
One of the latest news release of Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union) points out that last year mobile devices became the devices most used to surf the Internet in almost every EU member state, instead of laptops or desk computers.

Indeed, according to the data, almost 8 out of 10 internet users in the EU surfed the internet through their mobile phones or smartphones and almost half of them did it via tablets. This trend is even more significant among youngsters between 16 and 34 years-old, who reach a share of 94% of internet use via smartphones.

EU institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the need to boost digital skills, including coding and programming skills.

Telecentre Europe, alongside Public Libraries 2020, recognises the effort to fill the job vacancies in the ICT field through teaching coding, but they also see coding as a tool for empowering all citizens in today’s society. Thus, they strongly believe that coding should have a broader audience and be accessible to everyone, including disadvantaged groups.


We present the shortened version of the manual for end-users. It helps young people to understand how their mobiles works, how they can use it in order to develop their productivity.

The next step will be to adapt this curriculum to the different territories of the participating countries, so that-end users have quality, useful and practical information.

Check the end users curricullum's second draft in this link!

Currently, the e-facilitators involved in the project are delving into the training courses on the effective use of mobile technologies to increase productivity. The second part of the blended courses is being carried out online, thanks to the Opigno platform based on Drupal technology. Within the course, different innovative training methodologies are being used, such as gamification, flipped classroom, challenge-based learning or problem-based learning. 


We present the draft of an extensive, complete, very well guided manual, wicth includes a lot of information and is thought especially to be handled by young people.

We are currently working on an excerpt of the manual, which will be the tool that e-facilitators will use in practice during their workshops for end users. However, the full manual will guide the practical work during the training.

The next step will be to adapt this curriculum to the different territories of the participating countries, so that end users have quality, useful and practical information.

E-Facilitators: Effective use of mobile devices

The first draft of the e-facilitators curriculum is ready.

Our aim is to approach the world of mobile learning through the exploration of certain open and collaborative methodologies on the one hand and through the analysis and implementation of the Common Framework for Digital Competence (DigComp) on the other, in order to improve the target group's digital competences.

Face to Face training

E-facilitators coming from different countries have met in Rovinj, to study a specialized training, addressed to this professional profile. Thus, participants from Hungary, Croatia, Belgium and Spain were taking classes in a face-to-face training about coding and the effective use of mobile devices.

CODEMOB is a European project that will offer free training for young people on programming and the effective use of mobile devices, which are key digital skills for the future.

CodeMob is a project designed to improve the acquisition of key digital skills in the context of ICT telecentres. This objective is twofold: firstly, we would like to develop the digital skills of unemployed young people, through introductory courses on programming and innovative mobile devices. Moreover, our aim is to improve the skills of facilitators, trainers and facilitators through specific training of trainers.

Four members of Telecentre-Europe: Interface3 , COMMET, Telecenter and El Teb, along with Telecentre-Europe and the University of Dortmund have already started to develop the curricula to provide training on Coding and The Effective use of mobile devices in education, with the support of the European Comission.